Agonistes (Brian Daniel | editor-in-chief) – For most of my life I have been a huge sports fan—most recently I’ve learned that I can waste a whole weekend on football. But recently God has revealed to me that something I thought was so harmless has been no less an addiction and method of coping and avoidance than some of the worst of social ills that plague us. So I’m doing less of the sports thing. I grew up in Kentucky, but love the mountains of Colorado. That’s where I feel most alive. I’ve come to appreciate relationships more and more, marriage only gets richer and richer, and watching my children move into the teens has been fascinating. These days I long to spend more time with people and would love for life to slow down a little—OK, a lot. It’s a challenge for me to put away the destination for the sake of the journey because my formative years left the metallic taste of malcontent on my heart… but it’s a noble pursuit I intend to continue. The story is the thing. Share the journey through Twitter @bcdaniel or Facebook.

Philo (Phil Davis | The Marketing Guy) – I’m not just the marketing guy for Serendipity; I’m a case study for small group ministry! My life has been transformed (and reformed) through the power of small groups and being on the Serendipity team for the past few years. I’ve learned how to interpret life. I’ve learned there is a difference between what I say I believe and what my actions show I believe. I’ve learned to view life through the lens of the Larger Story. I’ve learned what it really means to be authentic and that community is much more than a place “where everybody knows your name”. I’ve learned to pay attention to what moves me. I’ve learned how to be a friend, a father, and an ally to a band of “gypsies” unwilling to settle for anything less than redemptive community. This has changed everything for me, and I hope to share some of my journey with you!

Nomad (Brian Gass | editor) – Urban ghetto, Catholic school, rural public university, M1 tank, conservative seminary, small-town church, deserts of Central Asia, jungles (urban and rural) of East Asia, and now mostly an office in Nashville, TN. Those have been the most influential places in my journey, and now it’s exciting to see how God wants to use me to reach the world from here! How about people who have influenced me? My awesome wife of over twenty years, our six incredible children, flocks over whom I have been a shepherd, soldiers I have led, players I have coached, team members with whom I have served, and of course parents and teachers and all of the normal stuff we say at this point in the conversation. All of that has solidified my identity as “Nomad.”

Signe (Gena Rogers | Content Editor) – I’m a perfectionist, a planner, a Type A personality. I don’t fly by the seat of my pants well. I’m a people pleaser. What others think of me matters. That’s probably why authentic community is something I have always equally craved and been terrified of. It’s the vulnerability—the putting yourself out there for everyone to see—that I’m not so sure about. Being honest about who I really am flies in the face of the importance I place on what other people think. So why am I so intrigued by this redemptive community idea? Because God created me to crave that in my life. And I actually do—maybe more than I’m willing to admit. I’m on a journey right now. I’m learning about sharing my story and the freedom that comes from that. It’s healing. It’s liberating. It’s amazing. It’s why I chose a name [Signe] that means “new victory.” And I can’t wait to share what I learn along the way.

Hannah (Juliana Duncan | Production Editor) – I’m one of those crazies whose clothes are organized by color, who alphabetizes their DVDs, and who eats fries in order from shortest to longest. Working full time, keeping As in school, learning how to be a good wife and daughter, and trying to glorify God with my life are the things that get my attention. That last one is the most fulfilling and most confusing of all. Fulfilling because glorifying God is what we’re designed to do. Confusing because it’s hard to understand how a self-conscious, imperfect perfectionist like me can present God with something He would feel glorified by. And yet He does. Amazing. In the midst of the whirlwind that is my life, God is a mighty river, present, powerful, and always ready to quench my soul if I’ll slow down long enough to take a drink. El Hanne’eman, “the faithful God,” is the inspiration for my blog name, Hannah. I’m pleased to share my story with you.

7 Responses to “About the authors”

  1. murphy belding Says:

    serendipity guys and gals,
    hey there gang…good to see you all are blogging and sharing your thoughts…looking forward to what is in your coconuts…

    thanks for all you all do to lead people closer to Jesus…

    i pray for the Lord to bless the whole team today…

  2. Thanks, Murphy. A question…Wanna be a guest blogger? Just let me know!

  3. Jailer Says:

    I LOVE your blog! Very interesting stuff … I plan to refer back often!

  4. Philo Says:

    Hey Jailer,

    I appreciate the affirmation and are grateful you’ll be joining on the journey! Welcome to The Gypsy Road!!

  5. […] of a Dying Superman Small Groupologist Rick Howerton is fond of putting a note of authenticity to what is typically a mundane question […]

  6. m0RIaX I managed to have a quick

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