There are a massive number of videos related to small groups on youtube. Many of them are training videos and some are videos that can be used to promote small groups. Almost every one of these was created by a local church, a church just like yours.

You have two options if you would like to consider using youtube to train your small group leaders. 1) Create your own training videos and put them on the site for your small group leaders. This is not nearly as difficult as you might think it is. You need a decent camera, a computer, the right cords, and meaningful information to share with your small group leaders. The video on this blogposts I found on YouTube. or 2) Use the training videos others have already made available on the site. You can tell your small group leaders the URL the video you’d like for them to view or you can actually download videos from the site and put them on the big screen and use them when you have a training event for your leaders.

Until just a few weeks ago I didn’t realize there was a way to download what you find on youtube. But it’s not really that hard. You’ll use the website at Go to the youtube video page (where you view the video) and copy the link in the address bar.  Paste it in the blank at the top of the page and it will do the rest. 

You have just been given hundreds of videos you can use to enhance your small group ministry.

This is fantastic for church planters. If you are a church planter I would love to meet you at the Exponential Conference in April.